Monday, March 30, 2009


Finally! So I actually remembered to get my camera, sit down and upload all of my photos - plus the ones from my phone, which are actually more relevant because they captured (albeit fuzzily) most of Emma's big milestones over the past month or two.

I'll try to keep this as concise as possible, but I know some people ONLY come here for pictures and I've been sorely remiss lately. Onward!

Emma pulling up for the first time

The morning I woke up to find Emma sitting up in bed for the first time

Alex at TKD in his sparring gear

Big brother, little sister

Big brown eyes...who can resist?

SMALL BABY! This is baby Tanner, who at this moment is no bigger than 6 pounds. Can you tell how absolutely NOMMABLE he is?

More pics in the next post, plus later I'll have an all-Alex post where he shakes his moneymaker. I'm not kidding.

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