Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I seriously think too much.

So I go to the dentist today because I've been having this pain in my tooth. Turns out, there's NOTHING WRONG. No cracks, no missing fillings, I don't even have much dental work that could have problems (which is surprising considering my weakened enamel due to some hardcore antibiotics I was on when I was a newborn and my teeth were just forming). Want to know what they think the problem is? Stress. They think I'm grinding my teeth.

Pshaw. No, that couldn't be happening. I haven't just spent the last week obsessing over a stupid baby shower, trying to make everyone happy. I haven't been worrying about my pregnant friend AT ALL. I haven't been in pain lately because the stupid SI joint inflammation is BAAAAAAAAACK (I see the chiropractor and massage therapist next week THANK THE ALMIGHTY INVISIBLE PINK UNICORN). I haven't been worried about my husband's health or my son's behavior or my daughter's breastfeeding or my master's application (did I tell you I'm starting my masters? I must be effing NUTS) or the fact that I'm just about done with the whole boobage thing altogether...no, I don't have any stress in my life.

So I'm going to bed now (late, because, you know, god forbid I actually am able to fall asleep before 11, when I have to be up at 5). Wish me luck - I'm hoping I still have teeth in the morning, instead of just really sensitive teeny-tiny nubbins.

Hehehe...I like the word nubbins.

1 comment:

Kristy E.B. said...

I didn't know you were going to start a master's! Wow! When are you starting--in the fall? Try some destressers--bubble bath, massage, etc?!! Not sure when we'll see you next. Easter, probably?