Saturday, February 28, 2009


MRI today - long and short of it, I'm apparently a little claustrophobic. Didn't think I was, but when they slooooooooooooowwwwwwwwllllllly wheel you into the tight metal tube and you can't see the end of it, you get a little freaked. Thank god when I got to the end it was open so I could relax, but then my hands started going numb because I was smushed up in there pretty tight. I had the guy take me back out so I could change the position of my arms, and that made it a lot better - just needed to do some deep breathing to get through the next 10 minutes. If I had to I wouldn't need a valium or something to do it again, but let's just say it's not something I would choose to do if I had to pick between that and a walk on the beach.

Results hopefully on Monday or Tuesday.

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