Went to the So You Think You Can Dance tour show tonight. It was AWESOME. I have NEVER been one for getting all googly-eyed or screamy over celebrities or boy bands or whatever, but man, I'm a sucker for a hot dancer's body. I have watched every single episode of this show and I've been to the tour show two years in a row now (I missed the first year 'cause no one else but me watched the show and I didn't think I could get anyone to go with me).
I love to dance. I always have. There's something about music and movement that just speaks to me. (You'd never guess it to look at me, but there ya go.) When Alex was born, I spent many hours dancing around my living room with him in my arms. I don't have as much time for that with Emma, but I still manage it once in awhile.
The really cool thing? Alex LOVES to dance. I have him enrolled in a dance class at his preschool. He's the only boy in the class. All warnings of future "gay-ness" aside, the kid knows how to MOVE and he shakes his booty whenever music comes on. I love that he and I share this, since we don't share much else.
I'm hoping that he's interested in keeping it up. It's great for teaching body control and flexibility, and it will help him if he ever decides to play sports. And I hope he can get past the fact that everyone seems to think it's an effeminate thing to do - 'cause, damn, what other athletic activity will he get to do with a bunch of girls? A bunch of FLEXIBLE girls, at that. (He's either going to love me for it or really hate me one day.)
Anyway, I hope one day that I have a daughter AND a son who love to dance as much as I do. And one day I hope I can share my twitterpated-ness over the show with them. My friend Laura got to bring her daughter, Elise, tonight, and they were both so cute (Elise was adorable when she chanted "Courtney Galliano!").
This is Alex at his first dance recital. I dare you to look at him and not be bowled over with cuteness. Seriously.

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