So my class doesn't seem quite as bad as the first day made it feel. They seem to already have some sort of classroom community developed, I think because I have a large percentage who have been at my school for several years and they had fabulous teachers in 3rd grade. I don't have a lot of academic leaders, which makes cooperative learning hard, but at least I don't have any standout behaviors at this point. I made a point of reminding them that they're all good at something, and I think that helped get them on my side. They seem to like me already, which is weird because usually they are still a little wary at the end of the first week (I am very no-nonsense and focused on expectations the first week). I'm at 32 kids that have showed up so far. We'll see how things go...
Alex was invited to his friend Spencer's birthday party. Spencer was born the same day, in the same hospital, on the same floor as Alex, and they met at 8 weeks old when they both started daycare. It's another party at Pump it Up and we're definitely going to this one. Alex's birthday party will be next Saturday - he turns 4! Alex also started in the Pre-K room at daycare this week. He's transitioning, and I'm a little worried about it. He's such an active little man and I know he's a kinesthetic learner, which is often not served well in a school setting. He's a brilliant kid but he has no interest in learning his letters or sounds and whenever I ask him what letters or numbers he learned at school today (or I point to a letter and ask him what it is), he says, "I don't know." I'd be willing to bet that part of that is him not wanting to tell me because of his friggin' annoying tendency to do the opposite of what we want him to all the time, but I'm starting to get a little concerned. Thankfully I've got two years before he'll start kindergarten, since his birthday is past the cutoff, so I'll have plenty of time to work with him at his pace.

Emma is starting to reach for things now. We started solids about a week or so ago and she did wonderfully, but when I started having supply issues I decided not to supplement so we're waiting awhile to start again. She's really interested in voices and talking, and she actually will try to imitate the sounds you make. She'll also imitate the shapes you make with your mouth when you talk, and her favorite is when we say, "I love you," slowly. She will sometimes form the shapes with her mouth and once she made noises that sounded an awful lot like "I love you." She adores it when we read her stories and will stare at the pictures for hours while we're reading. She's such a sweet, happy baby.
I got called for jury duty. Hooray for me! Let me use up all the sick leave I just earned back to go sit in some courtroom for two weeks. I postponed it to December. Who knows, maybe it'll actually be interesting if I actually get to sit on a jury. Not worth the 12 bucks a day, but interesting, I'm sure.
Time to go put Alex down for a nap. I'm off to do nothing for the rest of the day!
1 comment:
We did nothing all day too today! It was kinda nice though after how busy last weekend was, and the whole rest of the summer for that matter. Glad school is going well!
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