Saturday, August 29, 2009
People of Walmart
People of Walmart
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Holy crap!
Lo and behold - it FITS - and is BIG on me! AND...Emma got to see it for the first time. She loved it - played with the beads and touched the satin. She didn't seem too impressed when I told her it would be hers someday, but I figure that will be a better conversation for later. :-)
Woohoo - I fit back into my wedding dress!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
9 minutes
Woohoo! Go me!
Oh, and I've been using a pedometer to track my steps, hoping to reach a goal of 10,000 steps a day, which I've done every day since I started tracking. Today, with my 9-minute mile, I hit 14,972 steps, which apparently totals to about 7 miles for the whole day. I like this pedometer thing, it makes me feel like I've accomplished something.
We'll hit that goal weight yet! :-)
Oh, and the Sound to Narrows 12k run/walk takes place in Pt. Defiance Park next June. I think that's a good goal, don't you?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Taco-fu and marshmallows, too
Taco-fu Recipe:
Extra firm tofu
Cooking oil (the lighter the better - you can actually just cook the tofu in the taco seasoning, but I wanted to try the texture of the fried tofu tonight.)
Taco seasoning mix
Fixin's (tomatoes, olives, cheese, lettuce, etc.)
Cut tofu into one-inch (or smaller) cubes. Fill a pan with enough oil to half-cover the tofu cubes, then lightly fry to a light golden color. Pour out the oil. Mix the taco seasoning and put the tofu cubes in - simmer for 5 minutes. Place tofu cubes in tortillas or crumble onto chips, then cover with the fixin's. Enjoy! (If you like tofu. If not, be like everyone else in my family and turn your nose up at it. The dog won't even eat it.)
One other thing I've actually made lately is my friend Breezi's wedding cake. I found a recipe for fondant (the icing-like stuff that smoothly covers a cake - you usually find it on wedding cakes). This stuff is to DIE for and it's SO much fun to make.
Marshmallow Fondant
1 two-pound bag of powdered sugar (C&H works best, but you should sift any brand you use)
2 tbsp water
1 one-pound bag of mini marshmallows
1 cup Crisco shortening (the white kind - the yellow butter-flavor kind makes the color off-white)
Dump the marshmallows and water into a large bowl and microwave in 30 second intervals until melted - stir between each interval. When completely melted, pour 3/4ths of the sugar on top and cover the whole top of the marshmallows (this is so that you have a powdery coating when you dump it onto your kneading surface). Coat your kneading surface with a LOT of Crisco so the marshmallow doesn't stick, then dump the marshmallow/sugar mixture onto the surface. (I use a "Fondant Fun" mat by Wilton, but any flat surface will do.)
This is the messy (and fun!) part. Dig your hands into the Crisco and coat them with it - front, sides, backs, in between fingers, everywhere. Wrists too - this stuff sticks to everything. Squish the stuff over and over between your fingers until you get all the sugar squished in with the marshmallow. Once you have something you can actually manipulate (as opposed to squish) then sprinkle a LOT of powdered sugar on the greased surface and begin kneading it like bread dough. You have to keep lifting it off of the surface and adding powdered sugar or it will stick. Keep kneading until you have a ball that, when rolled out, doesn't tear easily and is smooth. (Sometimes you'll need to add a drop or two of water if you have powdered sugar balls stuck in the fondant - just keep kneading. And don't add too much water - a drop or two should be enough.)
If you aren't ready to put the fondant on the cake right away, coat the ball of fondant with Crisco and wrap it in plastic wrap, then put it in a zip bag. It will stay fresh in the fridge for at least a few weeks. If your cake is cooled and ready, frost it with about a quarter to an eighth of an inch of frosting (I usually use white since it won't change the color of the fondant) so the fondant will stick to the cake. Roll out the fondant to about an eighth of an inch thick. Measure two sides and the top of your cake and add those together, which will tell you how wide to roll the fondant. (Example: an 8 inch wide by 2 inch high cake would be 8 + 2 + 2 or 12 inches wide.) Then place the rolling pin on top of the fondant and pull the fondant on top of it, rolling it as you go along the measured amount. Make sure the side you want ON THE CAKE is the side on which you place the rolling pin. Place the fondant over the cake (can I say "roll" once more? I think I can!) and roll it out so it completely covers the cake.
At this point, use your hands to gently push, pull and prod the fondant into the shape of the cake, using a pizza cutter to remove the excess. Store the excess in your plastic wrap/zip bag combo, and voila! You have a cake that is to DIE for - trust me, this fondant is amazing, and it will NOT be left on the side of the plate like some other fondants.
Here's Breezi's cake:

Monday, August 17, 2009
The blog post that wasn't.
But oh god...what if something is in the water?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I like that better. :-)
In other news, I went to a bachelorette party on Saturday night. Wow, was that fun - not only the party itself (drunken debauchery - including a scavenger hunt that involved us being required to catcall at every guy we drove by on the street - is not something I get to partake in very often). But the most fun part was shopping for new clothes, getting dressed, putting on makeup, and LIKING the way I looked! No, let's be honest here - after probably 5+ years of not feeling at all attractive, I LOVED the way I looked. And after I finish baking my friend's wedding cake over the next couple of days, I'm going to be totally narcissistic and post an entry of nothing but pictures of ME. Because I've actually LIKED pictures of me lately! (You have no idea how excited I am about this.)
And in a last bit of news - about 5 minutes ago I read on BOTH Facebook and Myspace that my sister-in-law Alyssia (and of course her hubby, my buddy and bro-in-law Ryan) is pregnant. Now, unfortunately, she has pulled the "I'm pregnant!" crap with us several times - one time she even posted an ultrasound pic to HER blog that she STOLE from MY blog. So even though I saw her in a pic WITH the actual pee stick, I really don't think I can get all excited about this one. In fact, since they just left here for Japan a few weeks ago (which means she probably conceived this child while they were here, ew) and won't be back for TWO YEARS, I'm really just gonna sit back and wait until I see actual belly pics. OR a kid. You hear that Alyssia? You've ruined me. You have managed to make the one person who gets all excited about EVERYONE getting pregnant NOT excited for you. You happy now? You suck. And if it's a girl, you better at least have an M in it's name somewhere, for all the heartache you've caused me.
(I'm kidding, I'm kidding...I'm jumping up and down right now. Inside. Where no one can see it.)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Never thought I'd agree with a celebrity...
But when Brad Pitt said this, I couldn't help but smile a little inside. I mean, the guy is one of the hottest things on earth, and he actually has something intelligent to say (which goes against the original opinion I had of him). And I agree with it 100%.
On when he’ll marry Angelina Jolie: “I have love in my life, a soul mate–absolutely. When someone asked me why Angie and I don’t get married, I replied, ‘Maybe we’ll get married when it’s legal for everyone else.’ I stand by that, although I took a lot of flak for saying it–hate mail from religious groups. I believe everyone should have the same rights. They say gay marriage ruins families and hurts kids. Well, I’ve had the privilege of seeing my gay friends being parents and watching their kids grow up in a loving environment.”
On the right to love: “It’s ridiculous that Prop 8 took away gay people’s right to marry! I have no understanding of that kind of hatred. Maybe it’s fear of difference or of the unknown. If you feel belittled, maybe you need someone else to belittle to feel powerful. It’s the only way I know how to explain it. You’ve got religion telling you what to think about homosexuality, about marriage. They say homosexuality is a choice, a lifestyle, something you can be cured of, and that isn’t true. But if you’re tucked away and have no friends who are gay, you’ll believe what the preachers say. Just think of it in terms of being in love–how would you feel if someone told you that you couldn’t be with the person you loved?”
On wanting the best for his children: “Would it bother me if a child of mine turns out to be gay? No, not one bit. Listen, I want my kids to live the lives they want to live. I want them to be fulfilled. I hope I teach my kids to be who they really are.”
Go Brad!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
6 years
1. Internet, Scott is a genius. In his infinite geni-osity (look, I made a new word!), he won't ever let you say that without a firm denial, but truly, the guy rocks in the brain department. I mean, when you look up "geek" in the dictionary, his picture is there. He's a programmer, for crying out loud - and half the stuff that comes out of his mouth when he tells me about work I can only smile and nod about. But he's very humble about it. And one of the most amazing qualities he has is that he will share what he knows in a very non-condescending, calm manner that makes you feel so comfortable with being a dimbulb. The #1 reason I married him was his brain.
2. Scott is also cuddly. I know, he won't even kiss the kids in public, but when we're at home all he wants to do is be close to me and snuggle. He gets sad if we're watching TV and I'm on the floor working out - he'd rather I snuggle with him on the couch. He'll hit the snooze in the morning and spend an extra 15 minutes in bed just so we can cuddle. PDA isn't his thing - but he is constantly displaying affection in private. The #2 reason I married him was his snuggledy-ness (look, another new word!).
3. Oh my gawd, can this man wield a hammer. I don't know how I got so lucky to find a man with handyman mad skillz, but the guy just installed an entire FLOOR without any help. He can use power tools with the skill of a master. There's something about Scott using a table saw that just does it for me. The #3 reason I married him - he's an awesome handyman. We're putting in french doors next.
4. The next thing that I love about him is also what infuriates me the most at times. The guy can't lose an argument. He's got such a rational, logical perspective and dammit, the guy is NEVER WRONG. I think there might have been one time in our 8 years together that I totally disagreed with what he said and he couldn't bring me around to his point of view. Because that's what he excels at - providing a rational, thought-out point of view that just makes so much goddamn SENSE. Even if I disagree with it, it still makes sense and I have to concede to it. Do you know what this does to someone who HATES being wrong? Yeah, really. Reason #4 that I married him - he keeps me grounded. And proves I'm wrong once in awhile.
5. I'm hypercritical. I know this. EVERYONE knows this. It's why most people don't like me. (Well, that and I'm antisocial at times, but I'm more critical than antisocial.) But for some odd reason, Scott not only gets this about me, but he LIVES WITH IT each and every single day. And he only gets outwardly pissed about it once in a blue moon. And then I feel REALLY bad about it, because he gives me some logical, reasoned argument about how I shouldn't react this way or whatever. Reason #5: The guy puts up with me. He's a saint.
6. He buys me flowers. 'Nuff said.
Those are just some of the reasons I decided to spend my life with this man. I could list so many more (including the fact that he changes diapers!) but I think he'll already be creeped out by the fact that I've posted this much about him.
I just hope that someday Emma is lucky enough to marry someone as wonderful as her daddy.
I love you, Scott. To an amazing 6 years of marriage - may I be lucky enough to have a lifetime more.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
And a one and a two...
I started with Yoga Booty Ballet, which was surprisingly easy considering my flexibility wasn't where it was when I was 18. The hardest part of the whole 40 minute workout was the actual yoga - man, I was NOT ready for the down dog. The second time I did it was better, but I'm still working on my upper body strength so I can hold myself up in those positions. I also realized that my back flexibility was crap, probably due to the back issues I've had. The ballet part of the video was easy - I figured out where Alex gets his flexibility from, now that I've got mine back. I can almost get my chin to the floor in the straddle stretch. :-)
I also tried Zumba, which is really fun, although Sara only had the advanced workout and I do it after Yoga Booty, so I've only made it through 20 minutes at the most. It's based on Latin dance and I do a lot of hip shaking, which also helps with lower back strength and flexibility. I can't do too much because it's high impact, but I do what I can as long as it doesn't hurt.
So anyway, I've been taking my cues from those two workouts. I've been continuing my walking each day for an hour around 3.5 mph, but I've cut out the running. Too much impact, knees weren't liking it. And even on days when I don't have time to do a full workout video, I'll spend the evening when Scott and I usually watch TV by working my arms with my new 6 lb weights (did that for 30 minutes straight tonight - again, if I can lift my arms tomorrow I'll be surprised) and by doing ab work on the floor. Sara also gave me a 2 lb workout ball that I use to work my thighs and abs, and to avoid stressing my low back while I'm doing crunches and stuff I roll up a towel and put it under my "yoga mat" (which is really just a rubber backed bathmat - more cushy!).
I've also discovered tofu, which, really - LOVE. I like it baked - I think it's Azumaya who makes savory baked tofu, which is 130 calories and a quarter of your vegetable protein for the day.
So yay for working out, and yay me for keeping it up. Hopefully the weightloss will keep on track now that I've changed up my routine. Wish me luck!