Saturday, May 2, 2009

It sure FEELS like the flu...

So the nurse called back last night and said the tests for Influenza A and B were both negative, so I don't have the flu. I have all the symptoms, just not the actual flu. It really feels like bronchitis mixed with a sinus infection plus allergies, and I don't remember being this sick in a very long time. Fun, right? :-) I also slept all day today. I mean ALL day, like I woke up at 7:30, got Scott to get Emma and Alex taken care of, passed out and didn't get out of bed until 3:30. That's P.M. I wish I wasn't sick so I could have actually enjoyed that. :-) Anyway, taking it easy, staying away from people, hoping this goes away by Monday because with this swine flu crap everyone is extra special scared about the slightest cough or sneeze - and me being the workaholic that I am, I go to work sick all the time but people are yelling at me for it now. Ugh.

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