Thursday, April 16, 2009

Just one reason

This is exactly why I avoid revealing my religious preference at school. Or anywhere, really.

Kid comes up to me a couple of days ago. This was our exchange.

Kid: Mrs. B, did you know that there's someone in our class who doesn't believe in God?

Me (thinking, "Oh shit, who told you??" I calmly reply): And? There are many different beliefs out there, and there's nothing wrong with someone choosing a belief system that's different from yours or mine.

Kid: I don't think I can be in a classroom with someone who doesn't believe in God.

Me (thinking, "Oh, shit, do NOT tell him you don't, you will get REAMED by his parents"): Well, kiddo, I can guarantee that there will be others in this class and our school who don't believe the same way. How would you feel if your best friend was a Muslim? Or your principal was a Buddhist? Or your teacher was an atheist? (trying not to giggle)

Kid: I wouldn't like being in the same school with them.

Me: Why not?

Kid: Because God made us.

Me (hoping I can salvage some sort of acceptance lesson out of this): And that is obviously a very important part of your belief system. But you can't hold it against someone who believes something different. There are many beliefs out there and even if you don't like someone's beliefs, that doesn't mean that you can treat them differently or discriminate against them because of it. Got it?

Kid: Okay.

Me (blurting): And I don't believe in God either! Take your narrow minded thinking and shove it, you little snot!

(I'm kidding, that last part didn't happen. But it could have. It reeeeeally could have.)

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