My child does not belong to me. I am now convinced. He goes out trick-or-treating with Scott while I sit down to nurse Emma. I finish nursing Emma, and back in they come. Turns out they went to 4 houses. FOUR. And what does he do when he comes in the door? Starts GIVING AWAY HIS CANDY. He ate one piece and then started offering it to us. (While all of this is really cute and sweet and OMG HOW PRESHUS...seriously? No kid of mine turns down candy.) He was very cute - he went as Bumblebee (the Transformer, not the bug) and Emma wore a ladybug sleeper with a matching hat and bib. I'll post pics when I figure out how to get them off my camera.
Apparently my PRESHUS kiddo is convinced that Barack Obama is a bad guy. And I originally thought he got that idea from my parents, but when I asked him, he said, "The man on TV said he would send bad guys to kill us!" Honestly, I thought we had a pretty good handle on what the kid was watching, but apparently not. Here's our exchange from this morning:
Me: Alex, how do you feel about Barack Obama?
Alex: We don't want him to be our president. (
Mind you, I have NEVER said this to him. THAT part was strictly my parents. And maybe my brother too.)
M: Well, honey, yesterday our country had an election where lots of people voted, and they decided that Barack Obama will be our next president.
A: But he's going to send bad guys to kill us!
M: No honey, he's not going to send bad guys to kill us. But he is going to be our next president.
A: But...John McCain...is a GOOD man...
M: Yes, honey, John McCain is a good man too, but Barack Obama will be our next president.
A: But we want John McCain to be our president.
At this point I decided a political discussion at 6 in the morning with my 4 year old wouldn't yield much more than a swift kick to my own head, so I let it go.
Honestly, I'm not exceptionally happy that a firm democrat will be in the White House, but the enormous sigh of relief that I just heard from a huge portion of our country was not only audible but palpable. I don't think there was much McCain could have done to win (aside from MAYBE picking a woman who was more moderate as opposed to hard-nosed Republican like Palin). As for me, I didn't vote for either of them. I won't tell you who I voted for, but I did write someone in. :-) A friend of mine said, "Aw, now your vote won't count." Yes it will - it will count by NOT going toward either of the candidates that I didn't want in office to begin with. So there ya go.