Yeah, so I'm going all cutesy and crap with my first official entry. This is my family:
Scott, the hubby and love of my life, whom I admire and will love for the rest of my life - not just because of who he is, which is SO worthy of my adoration, but also because he puts up with my crap. The day he said "I do" with me was the day I decided there really is something right with the world.

Alex, the firstborn son. He's one of the smartest and BIGGEST 3 year olds I've ever known. He is the sweetest kid who makes my heart melt when he tells me and everyone else how beautiful they are, which he does because once (ONCE, mind you) I told him that ladies like it when you tell them they're beautiful. He's also my biggest challenge. A direct quote at 3 years old: "Mommy, I can't get the paper towels, they're already saturated with water." (Side note: yeah, the doll was his cousin's. He was helping her open it.)
Emma, the new baby girl. I've never met a happier baby - she makes my brain melt when she smiles and I go all squidgy cutesy mama on everyone. 'Cause, you know, she's CUTE. I dare you to disagree with me. I might have to take you down with my so-high-pitched-squirrels-fall-over-dead-when-I-use-it squeaky voice that for some reason my daughter inspires in me. It's embarrassing, really.

Emma had her blessing today in the IL's church, which, as I understand it, is the LDS equivalent of a christening. Oh yeah, DH grew up in an LDS family. His immediate family isn't that big (he's one of three boys) but O-M-G the family reunions. We're talking a hundred people every year. Coming from a family of four that hardly ever saw my grandparents, much less had reunions, talk about culture shock. Anyway, tangent... So I had my first opportunity to play dress-up for a special occasion with my pretty princess (she is sooo going to hate me when she grows up...). She wore a white dress with the matching ruffle pants (what is it about ruffle pants? Seriously, people are way too obsessed with babies' butts). I put white tights on her and used the booties that SIL's mom made for a special occasion. Check it.
Don't you just want to eat those cheeks?